Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for user specified XML format output control by re-representing the
normal XML output in a SOAP 1.2 envelope. 

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -S schema.dtd -R . -X SOAP1.2 -T1 number

Input data

Word. Two words. Now three words. This is four words.


<!ELEMENT paragraph (sentence+)>
<!ELEMENT sentence (startword, middleword*, endword)>
<!ELEMENT startword (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT middleword (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT endword (#PCDATA)>

Output result

<?xml version="1.0?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
    <xh:xmlfyHeader xmlns:xh="http://xmlfy.sourceforge.net/soap-xmlfyHeader" env:mustUnderstand="false">
    <x:paragraph xmlns:x="http://xmlfy.sourceforge.net/soap-xmlfy"

Goto:   Top of page.   Section "Environment".   Section "Summary".   Section "Test cases".