Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for quote handling using an array of quote characters. Also test for
quote handling that spans across multiple input records.

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -F2 : -q2 -Q \"\' -s -k -t

Input data

category: Text Utils
sdesc: 'Convert to XML on the fly.'
ldesc: "Convert to XML on the fly.
The xmlfy command is a powerful yet lightweight tool that primarily
caters for converting text or UTF-8 based output into XML
format on the fly and dealing with common issues associated with
this kind of transformation. xmlfy can be invoked from the command
line or from within a shell script to transform data quickly, easily
and reliably."

Output result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd">
  <category>Text Utils</category>
  <sdesc>Convert to XML on the fly.</sdesc>
  <ldesc>Convert to XML on the fly.
The xmlfy command is a powerful yet lightweight tool that primarily
caters for converting text or UTF-8 based output into XML
format on the fly and dealing with common issues associated with
this kind of transformation. xmlfy can be invoked from the command
line or from within a shell script to transform data quickly, easily
and reliably.</ldesc>
    <start>Mon Apr 15 16:16:03 2013</start>
    <end>Mon Apr 15 16:16:03 2013</end>
  <quotechars match="any">

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