Test results for Solaris sparc |
Test for quote handling using an array of quote characters. Also test for quote handling that spans across multiple input records.
cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -F2 : -q2 -Q \"\' -s -k -t
category: Text Utils sdesc: 'Convert to XML on the fly.' ldesc: "Convert to XML on the fly. The xmlfy command is a powerful yet lightweight tool that primarily caters for converting text or UTF-8 based output into XML format on the fly and dealing with common issues associated with this kind of transformation. xmlfy can be invoked from the command line or from within a shell script to transform data quickly, easily and reliably."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd"> <xmlfy> <category>Text Utils</category> <sdesc>Convert to XML on the fly.</sdesc> <ldesc>Convert to XML on the fly. The xmlfy command is a powerful yet lightweight tool that primarily caters for converting text or UTF-8 based output into XML format on the fly and dealing with common issues associated with this kind of transformation. xmlfy can be invoked from the command line or from within a shell script to transform data quickly, easily and reliably.</ldesc> </xmlfy> <xmlfy_summary> <version>1.5.6</version> <timestamp> <start>Mon Apr 15 16:16:03 2013</start> <end>Mon Apr 15 16:16:03 2013</end> </timestamp> <md5_input>a7021b3dcc747f9e02e053daf574e49d</md5_input> <md5_output>953940902e4a024f0436178d1b5d88ce</md5_output> <sha512_input>97ef33d2974a53fda0ae95dbeb1fa4d277dc02e6760bb9c8278f4ef4000e5885ceb099501fe11957c126863f370f48472b49a388d9c8ff666c4a175307f26899</sha512_input> <sha512_output>1afbdd6eed867e2b3552d3106f7a65b3951e01d91a2cc2cd8342fb962afe664af7c22fdc29177c3f4c6b50507bf2599bb66a4dfbfbd1e2d0008eb48374e69719</sha512_output> <args> <command> <arg>xmlfy</arg> <arg>-X</arg> <arg>newline</arg> <arg>unix</arg> <arg>-F2</arg> <arg>:</arg> <arg>-q2</arg> <arg>-Q</arg> <arg>"'</arg> <arg>-s</arg> <arg>-k</arg> <arg>-t</arg> </command> </args> <separator> <level1> <delimiter>NEWLINE</delimiter> </level1> <level2> <delimiter>:</delimiter> </level2> </separator> <quotechars match="any"> <char>"</char> <char>'</char> </quotechars> <schema> <default>true</default> <records> <read>3</read> <expelled>0</expelled> <matched>3</matched> <unmatched>0</unmatched> <ignoredblank>0</ignoredblank> <printed>3</printed> </records> </schema> </xmlfy_summary>