Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for elements generated by regular expressions that have the element names
that are specified in the option.
Also test the trimtagclose option produces a correct close tag.

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -T1 name 'regex comment="named matches"' -W:'3-$' 'i/.*(abc).*(DeF.*$)/the_ayes regex="1",the_dees regex="two"' -t -X trimtagclose

Input data

line 1 abc
line 2 abc def
line 3 abc
line 4 abc def
line 5 ghi
line 6 abc

Output result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd">
  <regex comment="named matches">
    <the_ayes regex="1">abc</the_ayes>
    <the_dees regex="two">def</the_dees>

Goto:   Top of page.   Section "Environment".   Section "Summary".   Section "Test cases".