Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for elements generated from a mix of column ranges and regular expressions 
are ordered by the same order they are specified on the command line.

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -C:2r 1-6 -W:2-$ '%( .*def)%' -C:2-$ 12-15 -W:2,4,6 '/.*(abc).*(def.*$)/' -t -e

Input data

line 1 abc
line 2 abc def
line 3 abc
line 4 abc def
line 5 ghi
line 6 abc

Output result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd">
    <field>line 2</field>
    <field>2 abc def</field>
    <field>line 4</field>
    <field>4 abc def</field>
    <field>line 6</field>

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