Test results for Cygwin |
Test for legacy element matching on the root element in the schema. This test exists to highlight the differences between legacy element matching and direct element matching as found in the previous test case.
cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -S schema.dtd -l
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<!ELEMENT a (cats, b, c, cats, b)> <!ELEMENT cats(tabby, musical,tabby, musical)> <!ELEMENT musical(paw,stage)> <!ELEMENT stage(paw,tabby)> <!ELEMENT paw(#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT tabby (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT c (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT musical(w,x,y,z)>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE a SYSTEM "schema.dtd"> <a> <cats1> <tabby>1</tabby> <musical> <paw>2</paw> <stage> <paw>3</paw> <tabby>4</tabby> </stage> </musical> <tabby>5</tabby> <musical> <paw>6</paw> <stage> <paw>7</paw> <tabby>8</tabby> </stage> </musical> </cats1> <cats2> <tabby>1</tabby> <musical> <paw>2</paw> <stage> <paw>3</paw> <tabby>4</tabby> </stage> </musical> <tabby>5</tabby> <musical> <w>6</w> <x>7</x> <y>8</y> <z>9</z> </musical> </cats2> </a>