Test results for Cygwin


Test description

Test for restarting scopes on user specified level 1 and level 2 delimiters
creating level 1 and level 2 elements from the input stream that are
constrained by these restarting scopes. 
The 1st and 3rd occurrences of the specified level 1 delimiter are outside
the scope and should therefore be treated as data. After the 4th occurrence
of the specified level 1 delimiter is processed, the scope should restart
and this process repeat itself until the input is exhausted.
Within the framework of its parent element, the 1st occurrence of the
specified level 2 delimiter is outside the scope and should therefore
be treated as data. After the 2nd occurrence of the specified level 2 delimiter
is processed, or if the parent element closes, the scope should restart and
this process repeat itself until the input is exhausted.

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -F1:2,4r : -F2:2r , -t

Input data


Output result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd">

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