Running xmlfy

xmlfy is run from the command line or from within a shell script and uses command line options to control its behaviour.

xmlfy does not require any special privileges to perform its task.

From the command line


% ps | xmlfy

From within a shell script

This example scriptlet is a Bourne shell script that retrieves a DTD file from the network using the wget tool and then uses this DTD file to XML-fy football results that come in raw format.

# xmlfy football results
# Author: Real Madrid supporter (i.e. Arthur Gouros)
wget --output-document=$DTD_TEMPFILE $DTD_URI
xmlfy --schema $DTD_TEMPFILE -I $DTD_URI < round19.raw > round19.xml 
exit $?

Further information

For more examples refer to the Examples section in the main documentation.

For information on how to specify options for xmlfy refer to either the Manual page section in the main documentation, or the man page xmlfy(1).