Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for correct functionality of the examples used in the xmlfy documentation.

Test status


Run command

cat _INPUT_DATA_ ¦ xmlfy -S schema.dtd

Input data

     UID   PID  PPID   C    STIME TTY         TIME CMD
    root   683   680   0 11:41:26 pts/4       0:00 bash
    root   763   683   0 12:00:54 pts/4       0:00 ps -f


<!-- xmlfy-args: -p rtagopen -p records -p rtagclose -A0 attrname border 1 -A0 attrname bgcolor #ffffcc -->
<!ELEMENT table (tr*)>
<!ELEMENT tr (td*)>

Output result

<table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffcc">

Goto:   Top of page.   Section "Environment".   Section "Summary".   Section "Test cases".