Test results for Solaris sparc


Test description

Test for the generation of correct messages digests. If a byte-order-mark is
present then that data is also included in the message digest calculations.

Test status


Run command

echo "MD5 of static input file without BOM:"
cat _INPUT_DATA_IN_1 ¦ openssl md5 ¦ sed 's/(stdin)= //'
echo "MD5 of static output file without BOM:"
cat _INPUT_DATA_OUT_1 ¦ openssl md5 ¦ sed 's/(stdin)= //'
echo "xmlfy MD5 without BOM"
cat _INPUT_DATA_IN_1 ¦ xmlfy -s ¦ grep "md5_"
echo ""
echo "MD5 of static input file with BOM:"
cat _INPUT_DATA_IN_2 ¦ openssl md5 ¦ sed 's/(stdin)= //'
echo "MD5 of static output file with BOM:"
cat _INPUT_DATA_OUT_2 ¦ openssl md5 ¦ sed 's/(stdin)= //'
echo "xmlfy MD5 with BOM"
cat _INPUT_DATA_IN_2 ¦ xmlfy -X BOM -s ¦ grep "md5_"

Input data

¦ Static input file without BOM: _INPUT_DATA_IN_1  ¦
¦ Static input file with BOM: _INPUT_DATA_IN_2     ¦

¦ Static output file without BOM _INPUT_DATA_OUT_1 ¦
¦ Static output file with BOM _INPUT_DATA_OUT_2    ¦
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmlfy SYSTEM "xmlfy.dtd">

Output result

MD5 of static input file without BOM:
MD5 of static output file without BOM:
xmlfy MD5 without BOM

MD5 of static input file with BOM:
MD5 of static output file with BOM:
xmlfy MD5 with BOM

Goto:   Top of page.   Section "Environment".   Section "Summary".   Section "Test cases".